15 March 2012

Kenny is back...

The controversial Kenny Kunene and show are soon to be back on circuit. “So What” if I’m writing about him?, “So What” if his clothes don’t always flatter him? “So What” if what he says makes no sense and sense at the same time? “So what” if he’s just Pure, un-inhibited, Reality-entertainment? Ha??? So What!!

In this episode: 
Kenny is back, bigger and better and of course larger than life! We revisit the successes of the mentorship programme which kicked off in Gauteng; the time has come to expand. Join Kenny and his entourage on a road trip to Durban to launch the second phase of the ZAR mentorship programme. Whilst living the grand life, Kenny does not forget those less fortunate and extends his generosity to make others more comfortable. Contrary to popular belief that woman are mere objects of pleasure to Kenny, he champions a worthy course and breaks the stereo type attached to the way woman dress.


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